Terre Blanche has deployed a network of fire hydrants within the Resort, judiciously positioned near the places most exposed to fire risk.

  • 400,000 tonnes processed (production of fines, gravel and ballast
  • Reuse of infrastructure RD 56, Chemin des Crouis and primary internal roads


The raw water storage lakes for watering the golf courses, mainly on the Château course, with a capacity of 70,000 m3, are supply points available to the Departmental Fire and Rescue Services (SDIS) to replenish the water bomber helicopters.

  • Reserves involved in fire-fighting resources
  • Quick response and turnaround time


The fairways are protective corridors against the spread of forest fires and the "flight" of glowing pine cones.

Pine cones at high temperatures explode and are capable of flying more than 50 m away from their support.

  • The width and construction of the fairways form a fireproof barrier.

Video surveillance

Fighting fires with the best capacity means intervening at the start of the fire. Once a fire has been declared, its control requires considerable resources, the only objective being to prevent its spread by lighting back fires.

The protection of Terre Blanche and its environment requires remote surveillance to anticipate fire outbreaks and prevent their spread.


Video surveillance equipment detecting, by comparative image analysis, cold smoke as an early warning sign of a fire, is installed upstream from Terre Blanche in relation to the prevailing wind (the Mistral), on land owned by Terre Blanche.

  • Day and night surveillance with report to the Terre Blanche central PC (15 km radius)
  • Triangulation by three control towers, allowing the intervention teams to get to the start of the fire quickly and without searching.


At the Terre Blanche Central HQ, a visual and audible alert informs the watch operator of a cold smoke detection.


In the general interest of the Canton, Terre Blanche makes its equipment available to professionals in charge of monitoring the territory by agreement with :

  • The Departmental Fire and Rescue Service for the repatriation of video streams
  • The Communal Forest Fire Committee of the commune of Saint-Paul en Forêt

The mobile brigade

Terre Blanche has set up a fire prevention team operating within the Resort to deal with any human error that may cause fires to start (building site, barbecue, spark, etc.).

The fire prevention brigade is equipped with two light vehicles with a fire engine and water tanks for first response.

3100 Route de Bagnols-en-Forêt
83440 Tourrettes | Var | Provence Côte d'Azur
+33 (0)4 94 39 90 00

Terre Blanche

Hotel Resort




Let's celebrate together our 20th birthday

Let's celebrate 20th anniversary of Terre Blanche together! At this occasion, we've pulled out all the stops to make this a memorable year for YOU. So don't wait any longer and find out what surprises we have in store for you.

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