The philosophy

A responsible environmental approach and sustainable development only make sense when applied in a global and general way.

Our duty is not only to apply virtuous measures within Terre Blanche, but also to involve, and even demand, the same approach from our partners, which will itself be disseminated in order to globalise the objectives that we have imposed on ourselves.

Transferring the impacts of our activity to third parties would only give us a good conscience, without any results in the general interest.

The Supplier Charter

The supplier charter, the key element of any commercial negotiation, defines the obligations and responsibilities that we intend to see respected on the following themes

- Social responsibility
    - Labour control
    - Harassment
    - Discrimination
    - Trade union freedom
    - Health and safety

- Environmental responsibility
    - Implementation of environmental management
    - Training of staff to manage the environmental impacts of the activity concerned
    - Management, treatment and recycling of waste

This supplier charter is a tool for selecting partners, with the aim of extending the environmental approach beyond the Resort's borders so as not to transfer the environmental impact of our activity to third parties.

The products

Terre Blanche favours organic products in the preparation of its menus in its various restaurants. The restaurant menus take into account the availability of seasonal products.

Eggs, dried fruit and cereals are 100% organic. The summer restaurant "Le Tousco Grill" offers organic raw vegetables.

The wine cellar features organic and biodynamic wines.

3100 Route de Bagnols-en-Forêt
83440 Tourrettes | Var | Provence Côte d'Azur
+33 (0)4 94 39 90 00

Terre Blanche

Hotel Resort


